Tell Us about an Album That Took a Long Time to Grow on You

I'd love to hear about records you own that left you cold or disappointed when you first heard them but really grew on you with time. I'll give two examples.
The first is Paul Simon's collaboration with Brian Eno from 2006 entitled "Surprise." I really, really disliked it at first – so much of it felt to me like noise. But over time, I came to appreciate it.
The second is Donald Fagen's "Sunken Condos." I am such a huge fan of him and Steely Dan that I was shocked by how little affection I felt for that record when I first heard it. Now, the better part of two years later, there are songs on the album that I can't get enough of. Strange how this happens…
Your examples?

Showing 1 response by pokey77

I've had many records that I was initially very disappointed in for sure. Too many to remember for sure but here are a few I lovingly do remember the struggle.

Talking Heads - Little Creatures. This album was played a lot in the electronics shop I worked in while in the Navy. At some point it clicked and I've been subliminally thinking about playing it on Spotify for a few days now. First heard it over thirty years ago.

U2 - October. It was a very difficult hump to get over but boy (no partial pun intended) what a record when I could finally "hear" it. 

Wilco, several of their records but mostly Sky Blue Sky. When I began to get it I could not turn it off for weeks (and probably months). I still think this is their best effort.

Daniel Amos - Dig Here Said the Angel. I've been a fan of this band for over three decades. I played this disc three or four or five times when I bought it and really didn't like it. Then I put it away for some time before putting it in the disc player in my car. Over repeated playing I was able to crack the code. Now, after probably several months am having trouble considering it is time to put in a new disc. I don't drive to work everyday so take that into consideration but I feel so blessed to feel this way about a record. If you've never heard this band, check them out. You may just be happy you did.

Thanks Rebbi for having the thought tostart this thread. I can't wait to read others experiences.