Tekton Speakers - Want To Demo

Is there anyone in the west Michigan Grand Rapids/ Muskegon area that has a set of Tekton towers that would be willing to let me listen to? 

Yeah not much luck locally here. There's a guy in Detroit area that has Double Impacts that may be willing to let me demo. I go for some training for a few days over that way in March so will see if that works out. Eric said that he has sold quite a few in West Michigan but so far no offers. 
I have posted twice here without any responses. They must not exist or no one has heard them! 

Let me know if you happen to travel down to Florida. I have a set of Tekton Lore Reference w/a 50w tube amp that sound great and you are welcome to come listen. Located in Jacksonville.
If no luck and you are desperate, you can try You tube.  They have a couple of Pendragon speakers that you can get the basic sound.  

Another try... anyone willing to help me out and let me hear their Tektons?? I will be breezy and even bring a 12 pack of your favorite brew.. Grand Rapids 50mile radius? Lookin at the double impact but any of the models I feel would give me the sound signature. Thanks.