Technis Organ sx-EA1

My organ is located in a three season porch which we will close off in the winter.  What is the temperature I can leave the organ at for the winter and can I use it if I plug it in and use a heater.
Moderators please.  I don't know how this works.  Please help me the answer the posts.
In all seriousness, you need to be careful of condensation. Heating it up from a cold state will produce moisture inside that can short out some circuits. It all depends on how cold it gets where you live. Any readouts and lighting can be prone to failure from the condensation. 

Old organs from the 50's and 60's used a Damp Chaser which was a long metal rod with a heating element inside to keep temps in the normal range but that was with Hammond organs and your Technics is, I believe, an all sealed unit with no way to heat up from the inside. 

I got all of this from google, along with advice to play it lightly a couple of hours before you intend to use it, in order to loosen it up. 

All the best,