Tact RCS 2.0 ADC/DAC

Does anybody with a Tact RCS 2.0 use an external AD convertor and what is the difference, also is it better to use their DA convertor or an external one, any recomondations?
Every time you add a piece you may increase the possibility of adding jitter.
For $4k one can get a lot of DAC, especially on the used market.

If I was going to buy a DAC, I'd look at the following:
1 - Audio Note DAC - These are not cheap, but can be found used. I know people that swear by their sound.

2 - Muse Model 192, one of my friends has this DAC, and it is the best DAC he has heard in his system.

3 - You might want to look at a DCS digital piece. For $4k used, you may be able to buy one.

4 - Audiologic 2500 DAC, maybe not cutting edge technology, but if you can find one used, it could be a very good deal. This tube DAC is supposedly great sounding.

Personally, my preference is one box players. One box players have come a long ways in the last 20 years.

The A/D/A for the Tact 2.0 is nothing special. It's not competitive with the quality of systems that really benefit from the RCS process. I use an MSB Platinum DAC with the 2.0. The A/D/A in the Tact 2.2 is reputed to be a major advance for their product.

If you're really interested in the intricacies of Tact products, then check out there use group forum:

I have only heard this TACT piece one time and I did not like it. It was being used as a DAC and Room Correction in a pretty bad room with some megabuck electronics, and I did not like the sound.

I would highly recommend an external DAC.

Recommendations... What is your budget?