T+A's new R 2500 R integrated amp

**Not to be confused with earlier T+A products that have similar names.**

Does anybody have hands-on experience with this incredibly flexible integrated amp? It’s been shipping in the US for just a couple of months, & has not yet been reviewed in the Tier One audiophile press

It’s absolutely not possible for me to hear the R 2500 R before buying, and at nearly $19,000, I’m hesitant to pull the trigger blind. But it sure sounds impressive on paper, boasting one of T+A’s world-class DAC/streamers, several hundred Class AB wpc, 31-lb weight, discrete headphone amp, some of the most comprehensive connectivity on the market, firmware-upgradability, a friendly UI, and, of course, T+A’s reputation for impeccable sound quality. It even includes a CD transport & FM tuner, as well as HDMI w/ARC I/O for integration into a home theater. Whew.

I normally wouldn’t consider an embedded DAC/streamer, but, heck, this is T+A, the company that made its name throughout Europe for its no-holds-barred DAC technology. And I understand that the R 2500’s internal DAC is an updated (albeit "merely" 512DSD) version of the company’s highly regarded $7500 1-bit standalone model.

Given all that, I’d love to speak with anyone who managed to score one of the first batch (now sold out at many dealerships); or even to a golden ear who plans to audition this amp at AXPONA.




@mgrif104 @cundare2 Thank you both for your kind comments and advocacy. It’s greatly appreciated. :)

@doyle3433 Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the two rooms. I’m glad your findings matched my experiences and assumptions. With the Aurender room, I would have definitely picked a different cable loom and speakers to make the end result more soulful. I’ve not had an issue accomplishing that with the AP20. I would love to hear that unit with something like a Joseph Audio Pearl 2 Graphene. I’m sure that would be an incredible match. 


Well, my R 2500 R arrived a few days ago and is burning in.

My initial reaction is very positive, even using lower-grade cables until my new, longer cables arrive. The sonics are everything I was promised, and they're a great match for my Harbeths with no other components in the signal path.

When I use the R 2500 R to drive just the the FL & FR speakers in a 5.1 home theater, the increase in realism is jaw-dropping. Last night, I was almost knocked out of my seat when I sure that I heard a door slam in an adjacent room.

But the best thing about this incredibly well-designed box is its functionality. (I never thought I’d say something like that.) In addition to outstanding amp & preamp sections, it includes a 2023-designed dual PCM/DSD T+A DAC (similar to its $8000 model, I’m told), an integrated streamer with a very good Android interface, a TON of connectivity (including HDMI in & out), and even Internet radio / FM / DAB & a CD transport. And a lot more.

I’m finding the rest of my components to be functionally, not only sonically, limited in comparison. For example, my $2000 Marantz receiver can’t output digital and analog signals at the same time (which would let me, e.g., send a digital signal to the T+A and analog to my rear & center amps when watching something like 5.1 Netflix).  The T+A doesn't seem to have such limitations.

I know that some people have negative knee-jerk reactions to integrated form factors (and I've posted at length about why those reactions sometimes don't make sense), but I spent months searching for an integrated that did not have the most commonly cited downsides.  When the smoke cleared, only two or three made the cut. This new T+A model was clearly the best choice, as perfect a fit with my complicated topology as I could expect to find: beautifully conceived, designed, and built.

One last thing: A TENK YOU VEDDY MUCH shout-out to Juan from Bliss HiFi (he’s actually participated in this thread), who originally turned me on to the R 2500 R, and who has provided such outstanding pre-sales and post-sales support. I wish every dealer had Juan’s knowledge, experience, and customer-support skills. I can’t recommend Bliss too highly.


I know you already bought but if I were buying an $18k integrated, it'd be an Ayre Acoustics AX-5 Twenty. Full disclosure I own KX-R Twenty, MX-R Twenty, QX-5 and L5xe. For me it's Ayre Acoustics or nothing!

Actually, Ayre was high on my list when I first started my search.  Those X and R series models, and especially the $12K EX-8 2.0 integrated, were almost a slam dunk for me.

Unfortunately, it seems that Ayre is having some serious internal issues and I hear rumors from insiders that, despite its public notices, may be on the verge of going out of business.

I can't verify whether this is true or not, but the difficulty finding any product in the channel led me to err on the side of caution and put an X through the EX-8.  FWIW, the T+A has a reputation for being at least in the same class, sonically, as the best Ayre separates, so I'm pretty happy with my purchase. 

And really, I can't say anything bad about Ayre products.  As you say, they punch way above their weight class, great Charlie designs.