T+A elektroakustik HV Series Components

T+A stands for Theory and Application.

I'm keeping this broad and open to T+A's HV Series components (HV = High Voltage),

Which (currently) includes two integrated amplifiers, two multi-source players, preamplifier, amplifier, power supply, and SACD/CDP/DAC.

Creating this thread for owners to share their impressions, findings, thoughts, experiences, and questions about their HV components. Comparisons to other T+A Series products are also welcome.

Showing 5 responses by yyzsantabarbara


Does the  T+A MP3100HV Music Player support a direct connection to the home network via Ethernet. That is can I ditch USB entirely to go Ethernet to connect to a ROON server? I believe the  T+A MP3100HV Music Player is a ROON endpoint now.

I heard the  T+A MP3100HV Music Player and the 3100HV integrated playing at the LA Audio show. They were playing on Wilson speakers and sounded excellent. I was surprised that the room presenter, Sunny Electronics, had the confidence to use the integrated over the T+A amp + pre-amp combo. Maybe the speaker was easy to drive. I forgot if the system had the extra power supply, I would guess that it did.

At the show, I spoke to the T+A rep about the  T+A MP3100HV Music Player and he said that the FM tuner on it was not as good as on my $2000 Magnum Dynalab MD 102 (I listen to the excellent KCRW in S .Cal). He also said that the unit would become a ROON end point sometime in the future. The ROON guys were also demoing at the room.It was a good demo of the type of system I would build myself.

If direct Ethernet is supported then I could eliminate my Sonare streamer. My next DAC will have to have this feature.
@david_ten Does your 3100 integrated have the Room Correction option installed? If so, can you comment on the effectiveness of the feature.

@steve59 I had the issue of low-level volume listening problems before I got my current headphones (had a new baby back then). My solution back then for 2-channel was to find gear that was ultra-quiet. I found that with this type of gear I could hear more into music at all times, including at very low volume.

I am ordering the Blade 2 Meta in Feb 2023 and I will be using my Benchmark stack from my office with the Blades until I raise funds for a more powerful amp. The Benchmark gear fits into the category of being great at low volume. The Stereophile reviewer of the Blade 2 Meta used the gear I have in my office. Though I will get something with more power down the line.

Some suggestions on quiet amps are SimAudio Moon and the CODA #16.