
Cary/Proac, Levinson/Revel, YBA/JM Labs, Bryston/PMC - all seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly - any other combos out there that go hand in glove?
I agree that synergy is very subjective. And what you like in sonics boils down to personal preference. What I like in sonics, others might not care for. And vice versa. There is no one perfect system.

I own four systems-both solid state & tubes. To my ears Mcintosh MC7150 SS autoformer amp/C38 preamp & Klipsch Heritage speakers match well together.

Llano Phoenix CAS 300/VA2-George Wright AU1000 12BH7 tube preamp with tone controls match well with Klipsch Heritage speakers-1989 industrial LaScalas with upgraded type AA crossovers using aluminum Jensen PIO caps.

Welborne Labs SET 2A3 Moondog amps-Welborne Labs Revielle 6SN7 tube preamp match well with Klipsch Heritage speakers-1981 Cornwalls using type B crossovers using Auricap caps.

And deHavilland Aries SET 845 amps-deHavilland Verve 6SN7 tube preamp match well with Klipsch Heritage speakers-1983 Cornwalls with upgraded crossovers using aluminum Jensen PIO caps.
The only time I've ever really enjoyed Revel speakers has been when they have been driven by Mark Levinson gear...
synergy is very subjective. i find quads and classic tube designs very synergistic, you may not.