Synergistic Research Atmosphere UEFs level 1 vs SR Atmosphere X's level 1

Any one compared the Synergistic Research Atmosphere UEFs level 1 to the SR Atmosphere X's level 1 or SR foundation cables?  What are your thoughts around bass, pace and tonal transparence? 

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I am so impressed in how the cables made the music less fuzzy to me. I grew up hearing and singing unamplified music. Amped and processed music sounds fuzzy and flat to me. These cables removed that fuzziness from the music and gave it back it's dimensions. It is quite stunning. 

I know just what you mean. Why I been saying for years wire is equally as important a component as any other.

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I did buy the ATM SX level ones and so far I'm very happy. The power cord was really impressive! Huge improvement in detail micro dynamics and sound stage when used with my Proceed AMP-2.....