Sweet Spot for Triangle Speakers

Has anyone had any experience with the new Triangle Zerius Speakers? I have a pair hooked up to an Outlaw Receiver and the "Sweet Spot" is very small. With my old system I could sit almost anywhere in the room and the illusion was intact. With the Zerius if your not in the middle/spot you hear the speakers. In the reviews the Triangle speakers have been often compared to electrostatic speakers...and one thing I have always heard about electrostatic speakers is the problems with their placement. Is there a way to place the speakers such that it minimizes this effect or will this get better as the speakers continue to break in? Thanks for your time and input.

Showing 1 response by seandtaylor99

The best description for speaker placement that I have read is on the audiophysic web page:
have a read and see if it works for you. I also like the cardas placement method. I have never heard good imaging with speakers close to side or rear walls. I also like nearfield listening.