After endless tweaking and experimentation, I have concluded beyond a shadow of a doubt, my system sounds profoundly better by turning OFF the SVS "low pass filter"! My amp has a sub out with a filter option set at 80 db's. Like all good audiophiles I carefully followed instructions, searched google to tweak all settings. I tried all variables in frequency. Until one fateful day, for no special reason, I turned it OFF. "WAIT", I said to myself. This sounds better. "Can't be!" "It must be boomy, or bloated, or congested .....or something bad. NO, it wasn't. It not only sounded more cohesive but the "hole" in the sound stage was gone. (I had a sense there was a perceptible hole in the musical picture which kept vaguely appearing which destroyed the whole overall enjoyment. I'm interested if anyone else has tried this heretical approach?


Showing 4 responses by erik_squires

doesn’t it also lessen the effective roll-off slope at the low end?

Yes, but by that time it’s all pretty low in level. The point is not that this should always be done but to try it and listen for yourself. In some cases this can even help with room related bass bloat. I’ve had one A’goner say that plugging 1 of the two speakers finally dialed in the bass for him.

This is a safe, reversible experiment. 

Also, hot tip:  If adding a sub to ported mains try sealing the main speakers.  That often leads to easier integration and less distortion.

The most vexing and confounding problem I know of is how different speakers measure once in a real room, and how different each room is.  I'd go mad if I tried setting up a subwoofer by specs alone.  Some may argue that I "went mad" instead, but potato potatoe.

The only heresy I know is trying to do this all without measurements first.  I mean, it's dogma, but I find getting this right by ear alone is so random. 

Bloom and bloat IMHO had more to do with room modes, where a little EQ can go a long long way.

Glad you found a setting that works for you.