Sutherland Dos Locos Dual Mono Phonostages

Good morning (in the U.S.) I just pulled the trigger on Sutherland Engineering's Dos Locos dual mono phonostages for my turntable rig (Dr. Feickert Volare TT/Kuzma Stogi tonearm/Hana Umami Red cart.)

Does anyone have experience with the Dos Locos? I've not yet listened to it (it's a relatively new product, released just months ago), but trust my sales advisor completely and can return it if not satisfied. I have a Sutherland KC Vibe mk2 and it impresses the hell out of me for the money. It powered several other turntable rigs of mine, but the Dr. Feickert setup deserves an upgraded phonostage (it still sounds amazing with the KC Vibe, but I know there's much more to be unlocked). 

If anyone has listened to the Dos Locos, I've be interested in hearing your opinion. Thank you. 


I haven't heard the Dos Locos, but I suspect it will be excellent.  I went from a KC Vibe to a TZ Vibe and it was a noticeable improvement.  I'm using a Hana ML moving coil cartridge.