SUT suggestions for Audio Note System

Hello. I have a level 3/4 Audio Note system which I require an SUT for. I am running an M6 phono v2 with Conquest Silver Signature MB’s, Audio Note Voyd Turntable with TT3 arm and a Koetsu Black. Currently I just use an MC phono stage but it is really a waste to not take advantage of the M6 phono. I have looked at the Audio Note SUT’s but they really aren’t compatible with my Koetsu black as it’s output is .6 mv The AN are designed for AN cartridges at .2/.3 mv.

My knowledge is based on some reading and not experience.

thanks for any help. 


The Koetsu SUT is suppose to be compatible according to this review here

Bob’s Devices are reasonable quality SUTs and EMIA makes excellent custom wound SUTs that matches your cart.  


I just picked up a Bob's Devices Sky 20-S sut this weekend. Very happy so far. I haven't test several SUTs, nor do I have a Koetsu, but I do know Bob had a Koetsu with him at Southwest Audio Fest. I'm sure he could walk you through which units would best for for your cartridge.