SUT help

Hello all,

I've combed the forums and pretty much every SUT thread either devolves into arguments of the merits for/against, or gets hyper specific. I'm assuming to properly match a SUT, it needs to be selected based on the cartridge AND phono pre-amp. Since I haven't found a thread about my specific I am.

I don't know a TON about SUTs, but I'd like to experiment to see if adding one will enhance my experience.

Currently, my cartridge is a Hana ML and my phono pre-amp is the Modwright PH 9.0XT. I may possibly move up to the Hana Umami Red in the nearish future, but the specs are fairly similar between that and the ML.

Hana ML specs: 0.4mv; 7 ohm/1khz
Hana Umami Red specs: 0.4mv; 6 ohm/1khz

Modwright PH 9.0xt - MM input is 52db gain, with option to lower -6 and -12 to 46db and 40db.

I currently use the MC input which offers 64db of gain (-6, -12). I've typically kept it at 64db and alternate between 100ohm and 250ohm for load impedance settings. The 470 is too much.


Not sure if its possible to have a SUT that would work well with both the ML and umami red, but if so, I'm all ears. If not and they each need specific ones, I'd be considering the ML first and foremost.

Any help is appreciated. I don't really have any clue how to determine what ratio is best and whether copper or silver pair better with these cartridges. I had EM/IA recommended to me in the past, but their pricing is well beyond what I'd like to spend on one (~$1500 or less, ideally?)


Showing 5 responses by tomic601

To the worries…. beehive is where the honey is.

Somebody said pick the distortions you like… i add nothing ( so far )  is free ….

I have in one system a highly modified vintage tube amp w what i consider to be some of the best output transformers ever made….so i’m not as pure as the driven snow….

Have fun…i looked at your system photos…lovey curated gestalt….

interesting theory…. this straight wire transformer…… i shall notify all those transformer engineers they have been doing it wrong all these many years…. except for @atmasphere …who for some crazy reason has worked very hard building amplifiers that….. ahem…. eliminate these perfectly transparent components…..

If you think this hysterical…. just alter the spelling…. slighlty….

;-) Then i would recommend an Entre w Tamura transformers… $400-550 ish… u can flip it for about same…

@billstevenson is 200% correct, but use bad A fantastic low capacitance cables and keep connectors very clean… which is also why the OP should contact the MOD at Modwr@lewm good idea.

As to a cartridge as a consumable…. yep, no kidding as are all your tubes…. just part of the journey……

I really hope my surviving kin don’t engrave “ here lies a frugal phono cartridge spendthrift “…. on my tombstone…..