Suspensions on turntable...really effective?

Been wondering about this, so did some research, but was surprised I couldn't find any that categorically says that turntable suspensions really isolate/substantially reduce outside vibrations, resonances, etc.

Any reference out there you can point out?

Many years ago, I had a Linn LP which was so critical I could tell how many people were in the room by what the turntable sounded like.  I have a Superscoutmaster Rim Drive now located on the lowest floor of the house with no basement....bedrock.  Sounds terrific.
Sounds of Silence Nashua NH The Vibraplane, which is a lab grade microscope stand but no where near 10K.  

Only ones I ever heard that really made a difference were magnetic suspension , And I 've owned  four Thorens and a Linn LP-12 .
Go to the Minus K website for some real good info on isolation. You can get one of their platforms for around $2500.
For the serious, the only solution is an electron microscope platform, typically goes for $10,000.  A friend once had one, it was very effective. Are you serious?