Suspended cables

Hi folks,

Still a bit of a newbie here.

I have gained an understanding of the reasoning behind keeping speaker cables off the floor.

So ...,

Each of my mains have a 1.5 meter cable connected to it’s own monoblock. The monoblocks sit 26" above the floor and nearly level with the speaker terminals. Speaker to monoblock distance allow the cables to be suspended completely from the floor in a loosely hanging arc (about 8" above the floor).

Is this better than using cable risers? 
Are there any reasons not to do this? Stress on connectors? Bad for cables?

Thanks all!


Showing 1 response by dentdog

I likely won't be spending thousands on cabling, but to say there are no differences, no improvements to be had is in my opinion not very open minded. I can A-B compare a set of power cables with another that I have on hand and tell 100% of the time which of my three sets of power cords has been inserted in my system when they are connected to my amps.
Differences are in transient attacks and decay times. 
Risers? I'm open minded enough to allow that they perhaps improve things, but can't hear the difference. If someone wants to play around with them what's the harm?