Surge Protector - Brick Wall/Zero Surge vs SurgeX

I am planning to buy a Surge Protector for my audio equipment. I have shortlisted the following:

Brick Wall PW8R15AUD ($259.00)
Zero Surge 8R15T-I ($286.00)
SurgeX SA1810 ($355.00)

I have heard that the Brick Wall and Zero Surge are clones and they claim to have isolated (duplex) receptacles to prevent interference and cross-talk. SurgeX claims to have better filtering.

Do they have any detrimental effect on sound? Has anyone heard them and compared them?

Showing 1 response by nonoise

I've had a BrickWall in my system for several years now and hear no discernible difference from that and straight out of the wall. Anything else I've tried had that cheesecloth effect.
My TV picture benefited as well.