Support table or shelf for turntable

I was hoping to replace my oak table with either a wall mounted shelf of a heavy steel table.
The reason is that I am finding that the oak is picking up and transmitting vibrations to the turntable, a Garrard 401 in a birch ply plinth. I am hoping to move to a slate plinth and wanted to maximize the support strength and reduce feedback.
Here is a link to the shelf and here is a link to the table. Both examples of what I'm looking at.
Shelf would be mounted to concrete wall. Table would stand on concrete floor.

Showing 2 responses by stringreen

I use cones  (Bearpaws) under my turntable and found it a very valuable upgrade.  Tried other things without that level of success.
Very often, the table reacts not to the up/down movement of the floor, but to its horiontal - left/right movement.  You can eliminate this by placing a piece of appropriate size wood to affix the table to the wall behind it.  You'd be surprised at how helpful this can be.