Suggestions on Ethernet cables for Accuphase digital separates..

I have a quick question that hopefully the members here can help me with. I recently purchased the Accuphase separates DC 1000 and DP 1000 and the DAC and Transport are connected by an ethernet cable.  A J45 if I have that correct, is the standard connection for this application. I would appreciate if any members here who own these pieces have upgraded this cable connection and what cable they went to and why. Thank you in advance.....      


Showing 1 response by soix

I don’t pick cables based on equipment, I base the decision on what cable provides the sound characteristics I’m looking for. Just because one person likes XYZ cable with their equipment in their system for their tastes doesn’t mean it’ll work for you. Everyone’s sonic preferences and systems are unique so I’d suggest reading a lot of reviews and whittle it down to those that exhibit the sound characteristics you’re looking for. Then if you can find them used do that — buying/selling used cables is easy and often with little/no loss if you purchase wisely, and you’ll save a bundle as well. Just my $0.02 FWIW, and best of luck.