Suggestions on a new /used amp for Focal speakers.

My speakers are Focal 826W powered by two rebuild Sony TA-55ES , but i think it is time sell them and to upgrade to one amplifier.
Some details: room is 12 by 18 feet with cathedral ceiling/lots of curtains, large paintings, carpet floors.
Amplifier is set up on a dedicated 20 amp line.
As far as the sound itself, mids and sound stage are more important to me than bass. Of course I want tight bass, but at my age, it is not that important.I am looking for a warm sound versus more detail.
I mostly listen to CD`s (sometimes MacBook). The genres I listen to are:  classic rock, blues and some classic music as well. Mostly low to mid level, but when the wife is gone, sometimes I crank it!
Budget is about  $ 3000 , more or less.
Thoughts? Ideas? 
Thank you for your suggestions.
(hope this make sense!)


Showing 4 responses by erik_squires

if they are like the profiles, the low impedance is fake.  look for two large electrolyruc caps in the crossover, each attached to a number of resistors.  remove smaller one.  replace tweeter caps with mundorf mkp.  issues solved for around $18 a speaker.


Sorry, was drunk flaming again. :)

No, stereophile’s charts are reasonably reliable. However, the deep impedance drop in the Profile series and the Sopra is too much alike so it makes me suspicious of more French Fraudulence.

I thoroughly analyzed the Profile 918 crossover and the speaker drivers in a way no reviewer would have dared....hahahah...and found that the impedance dip was deliberate and unnecessary. It makes the speakers seem more discerning, more exclusive. "Oh my god, my speakers can really tell the difference between a $10,000 amp and a $500 amp! I’ll take them!"

For a thorough explanation of what I"m talking about, please see the woofer section in this blog posting.

There is a pair of C/R circuits in the woofer section that caused this. For about $35 in parts, the impedance could be brought up to around 4 ohms and exactly matched the original response. However, a smaller tweak was to remove one of the two C/R circuits causing the impedance droop.

I have not analyzed these, but the circuit is easy to spot. Look for large electrolytic caps, around 120uF or more, with 4 or more power resistors to ground in the woofer section. If you see it, you’ll know what the problem is.


As luck would have it, another DIYer has posted the schematics for the 826 V (not W) here:

Here the crossover avoids necessary components instead of adding more. There are a couple of bypass components (C4/L4) which need small value resistors to keep them from becoming a dead short to ground.


By the way, the tweeter cap mods are independent of the woofer section, if any. Focal uses SCR/Axon/Solen tweeter caps and I have repeatedly found the Mundorf MKP (around $7) each a much better match for their tweeters, and a much better cap overall. Warmer, with much better microdynamics/low volume details.

Also, the Mundorf MKP’s are a reasonably good physical fit on the crossover board. :) A little solder and hot glue and you’ll be done.
