Suggestions for some Monitor Audio

Hello everyone, im new in this Hifi world, so i´ll like some suggestions, im looking to buy a pair of Monitor Audio Bronze 2. Which amp would you suggest for those Speakers, analog, digital?
The range of price im looking into is around $2,500 us. 
Thank you

These are pretty lively speakers.  Even your average warm amp would do well.  Try a Class D or Parasound classic.
What sound characteristics related to system performance are most important to you?  Tonality, micro/macrodynamics, 3D imaging and soundstage, bass quality, treble detail or air, etc.?  All or any of these can help determine choice of amp.  BTW, are you looking for just an amp or an integrated?
Im looking for clarity, details, treble, something that let you hear every instrument with details, and yes, im looking por an integrated amp, my bad.