Suggestions for high efficiency speakers?

I attended the Capital Audiofest and thought the Audio Note room had the best sound to my ears. Another attendee from Florida had a copy of "A Night in Tunisia" and it sounded like you were sitting in Art Blakey's chair with his drums right there in front of you. I want that palpability, that "you are there" sound I think low watt amps and high efficiency speakers deliver better than any other combination.


A couple years ago I heard the DeVore 96s at the same show and loved their sound, anyone know of other speakers that give the same sensations?


My system is a SOTA Sapphire w Sumiko MMT and Zu-modified Denon 103 into an Art Audio Vinyl One phono pre into a Lamm LL2 Deluxe pre into an Art Audio Jota SET power amp and into Joseph RM25 sigs.


Showing 8 responses by fosolitude

A) Klipsch is on my list to listen, especially as the Forte IVs were cited in the Stereophile Prduct of the Year article. BTW, my room is essentailly a 280" square with an ell to my right rear into another room of about the same dimensions.


B) I have to try Tannoy, why is so little written about them?


C) Budget? Say <= $15K.

Stanley, the RM25 Josephs are one of the outstanding bargains in audio and I've had them for maybe 18 years. What I'm looking for is that palpability of the notes that really high efficiency speakers do better than the 25s. They aren't really hE but my 20W amp has no trouble pushing them.


Thanks, verdantaudio, I think I met you a couple years ago at CAF. Those brands all ought to be good but aren't Avantgarde's really sensitive to placement? BTW, I love Art Audio, my Vinyl One is a recent addition and I am totally satisfied.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions this gives me much to work on to try to hear all these speakers. I'm not in a hurry, the Josephs are great speakers, so I can do a thorough job of auditiioning these.

Good entry, kirtgunn2, thanks to you and everyone else who'se weighed in on the subject. I have a lot of speakers to explore but I like what I have so I'm in no hurry.

To follow up: I bought a pair of Charney Companions. I had forgotten I'd heard them several years ago at Cap Audio Fest when I think they had Lowther drivers. I was very impressed by their presence and the palpability of the sound but conventional wisdom had it that they don't do bass. While bass may not be their long suit my speakers with Voxativ drivers produce bass very clearly down to around 30 Hz. When I visited Brian Charney I immediately recognized the sound I had heard several years before. Five months later I am extremely satisfied.