Subwoofer with Floorstanding Speakers?

Still enjoying my Sonus Faber Olympica Nova Vs in our den where I mostly listen to jazz. However…I had a nostalgic experience tonight and streamed up some Def Leppard and cranked it LOUD.  With this kind of rock, I am missing a little of the bass I remember from my school days. Got me thinking, how many of y’all are running a subwoofer in your stereo setup with floorstanding speakers?  What do you think?  Any issues with sound distortion?  


Showing 1 response by 2psyop

You have to get the right sub. For example you may want to avoid home theatre subs (like ported subs). You may want to avoid slow subwoofers that stuggle to stay fast enough for matching speakers. You may not want subwoofers that don’t have enough connections or controls to match your electronics and speakers. You may also want a servo subwoofer which is a fast amplifier and signal sensing system. Also don’t over power the room with the wrong subwoofer. I chose Rythmik subwoofers F12 SE for my Vandersteen speakers. The amp I have is a Parasound and it has RCA outputs (variable) for the subs. I had full control to blend the low freqs. I have REW but have not used it.