Subwoofer Recommendation for Harbeth SHL5+

Missing just a little bottom end and slam (e.g 50 Hz and under) I am looking for (2) subwoofers to match my Harbeth SHL5+ speakers.  
I would prefer them to not step on the midrange- sound quality is a preference.
I will continue to run the Harbeth's full range.
Smaller is better for room fit.  
I listen nearfield about 10 feet away in one end of a finished basement. 
I understand the benefits of swarm type systems but this won't be practical for my setup. 
Thanks in advance and peace.   

Showing 1 response by big_greg

You didn't mention your budget, but I'd concur with the recommendations for Rythmik's sealed subs if they fit in your budget.

I don't know why you wouldn't want to add a sub(s) to the Harbeths.  I use 4 (two Rythmik F25 and two SVS SB13 Ultra) and it's the closest my system has come to live music.  I know you don't want to run a swarm, and two subs properly positioned and set up should enhance your listening experience.

The Harbeths sound great on their own, but they are relatively small speakers and you're going to miss a lot of the foundation of the music without a sub.