Subwoofer options for Magnepan with crossover betwen pre and amp?

I'd like to offload the bass below 50hz to a subwoofer through a crossover placed between pre amp and amp; believe this will (a) help with stabilizing the Prima Luna amp by eliminating low bass clipping (b) remedy the lack of weight in the low bass with Magnepan 1.7's. Has anyone found a combination they liked for around $2k? I've seen Vandersteen 2WQ's mentioned, I suppose separate amp/crossover TBD with Magnepan DWM panels are another path. My main concern is a clean merge of the subwoofer with the SQ of the Magnepans

Showing 1 response by erik_squires

The lower you go, the more difficult things get. I can think of a dozen subs that would sound well if properly integrated.

That means room treatment, crossover, and EQ.

If you want the simplest, go with a relatively small sub, with a good auto-EQ feature.

I would also suggest upping the crossover point to 70Hz. This will get your PrimaLuna up above the meat of the bass in music. (let the flames and differing opinions begin!)

