Subtantial improvement over Emotiva XPA-1's?

I'm considering upgrading my amps, Emotiva XPA-1's. My options at the moment are: Clayton M300, Theta Citadel and maybe Mcintosh MC601. My speakers, Tyler Acoustics D1.
Do you think is it worth the extra money? Is there going to be a HUGE improvement in sound?
Thanks for your help.

Showing 1 response by foster_9

Leog2010, whether or not these amps bring out the best in your speakers is a roll of the dice. And it's a "dicey" game. You may have to just roll the dice and take the financial risk. All the brands you mention should on paper be a sonic step up from Emotiva; you will not know anything until you hook up the new amps and listen to your speakers, but you could end up having to re-sell. Not familiar with Theta, but Clayton and McIntosh have great reputations for quality. But good quality amps mated with the wrong speakers lead to dissatisfaction. Here's a thought, get some ideas for amps from the speaker maker Tyler.

Also, nypr2003 has XPA 1's and has owned Tyler speakers too. Might want to contact him.