
I have a chance to buy 2 Cambridge Soundworks Newton P500 powered subs at a reasonable price. Any  thoughts pro or con?
Having four subs will give you headroom and will help cancel out room nodes. At that price I dont think you could go wrong. 
I've got Maggie's 1.7i  and Klipsch 10 sub and Sony 8  sub in a 13-6 x 17' room with 8-6 ceiling.  I am trying to get a more dynamic sound. It's a dedicated room. They want $550.
What's a reasonable price?  How big is your space?  What are you expectations in terms of output?  Just a little fill, or are you wanting to pressurize your room?

It looks like those came out almost 20 years ago.  I wouldn't pay much for them or expect much output from their 8 inch drivers.  If you have a small space and want subs that will add a little heft to the bass and not take up much space, they might be just the ticket.
Go for it. The only thing better than two subs is more than two subs.