Sub-woofer connection question

Hi all,

I have a Music-Hall a15.3 integrated amp and a JL Audio 8" "Dominion" powered sub-woofer.

The sub-woofer has speaker-level inputs (R & L, + & -) but also has line-level RCA inputs.

The amp has an RCA out as well as (of course) speaker-level out.

So I can connect the RCA out of the amp into the RCA in of the sub-woofer, but I can also piggy-back off the amp’s speaker connections to the sub-woofer’s speaker-level inputs.

I am not sure which method is better. I called Music-Hall and the guy (maybe it was Roy Hall but I am not sure) told me "I don’t like sub-woofers... just do what ever the sub-woofer manufacturer says".

But the JL Audio manual does not specify one method over the other.

I am new to sub-woofers, so I was hoping maybe somebody on the forum might be able to help.

Thanks in advance,

Eric Zwicky
Richmond VA


Showing 1 response by avanti1960

In my experience the high level inputs sound better because it integrates better with your main speakers. I have the JL Audio D110 subwoofer and it clearly sounds better using the high level connections- just connect the cables at your amplifier in parallel with the main speaker leads and terminate into the supplied connector plug.
REL makes the claim that this method is preferred for better blending and integration and I agree with them.
What are your main speakers?
There is a process you need to follow for perfect integration and I would be happy to help.   You do not need any external crossovers etc. to make this work.  
All main speakers have a natural low frequency roll off point (acoustic crossover)  and some have a built in high pass filter.