Sub suggestions please

I just got a pair of JBL L100 Classics (I have seen that they are controversial here, but I love the look, and am impressed with the sound...I'm a happy camper).  They are connected to the Cambridge CXA61, and I run a Technics SL1600 with a Grado Prestige Green3 cart, and a Cambridge Alva Duo preamp, and Cambridge CD transport (CXC V2).  My sub is a Klipsch Reference Series 12", which I like, but it doesn't aesthetically work with the JBLs.   I'm considering the REL Classic 98, Sonus Faber Gravis II, or the SVS SB-3000 (I was told I could get it in a walnut veneer, but haven't actually seen that.  Walnut is important in this case).  Any seconds on one of those options?  Any alternates I should consider at $1,500 or less (I am perfectly satisfied with pre-owned)? 

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Showing 1 response by deep_333

Walnut is important in this case

JBL HDI-1200p, satin walnut is one of the finishes, is a 3000 dollar sub. It appears to be currently on what i think is a closeout sale for 1200...might as well hop on it. I certainly wouldn’t pay 3000 for it. The audioholics guys gave it a decent review, believe it has a relatively high quality low distortion driver in it. But, when a driver gets deeper down is when distortion parameters skyrocket (The Jbl factory jiggle guy played it safe...)

It won’t explore the deep low depths of your soul like a Rythmik F18, for example.(Nevertheless, don’t end up buying some trash just for the walnut finish. You could always put a walnut finish to a sub cabinet in your garage, y’know, i.e., with a good subwoofer.. It’s what the garage’s for...)