I've settled into the pattern of cleaning my stylus (also using the Last brush & cleaner) before each session and dry brushing after each side.
This is the result of a couple of things: I recently got a magnifying glass and was alarmed at the amount of stylus gunk it revealed. I also recently started using the Disc Doctor fluid and brushes, and the stylus is dredging up a *lot* of debris on some of my used records. I really don't like the idea of that stuff being dragged through the grooves, so I have been pretty diligent lately about keeping the stylus clear.
I also have and like the Harley book. It's a useful reference and a good intro to the hi-fi hobby. A lot of the info can be got from magazines, websites, forums, etc., but it's nice to have it all in one place in a format that you can take out on the deck or to other preferred reading spots.
This is the result of a couple of things: I recently got a magnifying glass and was alarmed at the amount of stylus gunk it revealed. I also recently started using the Disc Doctor fluid and brushes, and the stylus is dredging up a *lot* of debris on some of my used records. I really don't like the idea of that stuff being dragged through the grooves, so I have been pretty diligent lately about keeping the stylus clear.
I also have and like the Harley book. It's a useful reference and a good intro to the hi-fi hobby. A lot of the info can be got from magazines, websites, forums, etc., but it's nice to have it all in one place in a format that you can take out on the deck or to other preferred reading spots.