Stuck in a Rut

Over the past 30 odd years I have been mostly listening to Rock (Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Bowie and all of the other great British and American bands.
I have also been listening to Jazz (Davis, Brubeck, Chet)
and assorted other Jazz artists.
For classical I love Betthovan's 7th and Tchaikovsky final symphony as examples.
But I know that there other great albums not only in the Rock, Jazz and Symphonic categories but in international ones as well. I would appreciate any suggestions not only on Rock, Jazz or Classical but also on any other category which is not lite but great.


Showing 1 response by jsujo

I just discovered his music, and the lyrics and compositions are extremely is his guitar playing,,his live recordings have exemplary sound quality.

female vocalist Maia Sharp has an outstanding CD called Maia Sharp with a great band. jazzy-rocky-country'ish...but great voice and production.