Streaming with the Hegel H390

I recently acquired an H390; pairing it with Wilson Sabrinas. I stream directly with the H390. It works seamlessly with all the working parts in one unit. Frankly, I can't imagine getting more for what I spent. 

While the digital setup in the H390 is top notch, I have noticed that many of the reviews of the H390 pairs it with a separate streamer/DAC. So my question is, at what level of upgrade would it be worth the squeeze to just let the H390 be an amp and invest in a separate streamer/DAC?

Thank you for your input.



Showing 1 response by perkadin

DACs rely almost entirely upon a persons cognitive dissonance to perform, thats why the recommendations get better and better as they go up in price.  If you really want to find out for yourself buy a few streamers and DAC models at various price points off Amazon.  Make sure they are models that offer free returns and have yourself a big old shootout.  Load up the analog inputs on the 390 so you can test a few at the same time. With free shipping there’s no risk or cost and you can decide for yourself rather then rely on someone else’s opinion.