streaming with benchmark2-dx DAC - problem - no signal to preamp

I am trying to stream from a newly purchased Benchmark2dx DAC via usb, using the benchmark usb cable connected to an Apple USB3 camera adapter, which is connected to a new ipad.  The camera adapter is also connected to a wall charger.  There is signal to the DAC's headphone outputs, but no signal to the Anthem preamp. 

The DAC is connected to the preamp's dvd intput. The disc player plays fine on that intput through the DAC. 

I called Benchmark tech support.  They were helpful, but we could not identify the problem.  I expect I am missing a basic setting, any help appreciated.
If you have headphones plugged in you may not get output to the XLR/RCA outputs. Try unplugging the headphones.
I was surprised that when I hooked up my Benchmark to my CD player with an SACD playing there was no sound because the SACD digital signal is different that CD. nolacap’s comment was also true. I guess we should know these things. I suspect that unplugging the headphones should solve your problem.
Benchmark DAC3 USB is defaulted to v1.1 (likely the same on DAC2). You may need to switch to USB 2.0 on the DAC. On my DAC3B I had to hold 2 buttons (input + lock) down for 5 seconds and the DAC switched to USB 2.0.

I am using a Sonore microRendu to the DAC but it should be the same situation for you.