Streaming Thru the Cambridge Audio Azur 840C DAC

Just bought the above Upsampling Cambridge Audio CD player which has the ability to accept 2 different digital sources (either coax or optical)

I also stream Spotify Premium through an old IPhone or 7th Gen IPad via an RCA to mini plug to my integrated amp.

I’d like to use the DAC in the back of the Azur to upgrade the sound of my Spotify.  (I know Tidal or Roon is better but I’m not interested in that since my Spotify is free).

Can I just buy a digital interconnect with a mini plug on one end and plug it into the coax input on the CD player?  Seems I would need to reconfigure my phone & Ipad to use an external DAC as well?

Thank you for your suggestions, I’m a newbie when it comes to streaming as I still listen to vinyl & cassettes :)
Forgive my ignorance but won’t I be able to do the same thing using my iphone as a remote with the mono price or the chrome cast?  What are the advantages of spending so much more on the Node if I’m going to use the DAC in my CD player?  Thanks!
The primary difference between the two approaches, besides the large difference in cost, is that you'd be sending the signal to the Bluesound via Wifi rather than Bluetooth. There is some compression with Bluetooth but whether or not you can hear it, or it's significant to you, only you can decide. If your source is going to be Spotify, which is not a high-resolution source, Bluetooth would likely be all you need. Even if you eventually want to use a higher resolution source like Tidal or Amazon HD the cost of the Monoprice isn't a huge commitment.
Maybe can find one used... Bluesound Node 2 or 2i. Your DAC in your 840C is probably better the one in the Node so run it through your Cambridge as I planned. dqfansurvey
Post removed 

This was an old post, I see the last comment was deleted. The transport in the Cambridge ended up going, so I sold the unit about a year and a half ago..

I got a Bluesound Node 2i and an Audio-gd DAC and an Audiolab 6000CDT, couldn’t be happier….