Streaming Services

Hello, Folks -

In an attempt to (somewhat) get with the times, I am incorporating streaming as a source in my audio system.

In my research I’ve seen that sound quality varies among the providers.

I’m looking for a provider suggestion. A service that you feel has high sound quality.

For the most part this would be for classical music. Some classic rock and jazz would be a plus.

I’m a fuddy duddy with my equipment and am not looking to change anything out. What I have:

Conrad Johnson HD3 USB DAC

Conrad Johnson Premier 16LS Preamp

Conrad Johnson Premier 12 Mono Block Power Amps

Vandersteen Quattro Loudspeakers

PGS interconnects

MacBook Pro

Any suggestions/recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you very much for reading my post.





Showing 1 response by philosurfer

$.02 on some aspects of the discussion:

I’m of the opinion that a streamer should be for delivery only, as the DAC aspect is best served by my system’s flavor (so there’s no reason to pay for a DAC built into a streamer; the streamer’s purpose is to deliver the digital data accurately).

[Every system has its own sound - and listener(s) - of course. In my system I do use a separate DAC connected to a streamer-only device (Ifi Zen Streamer) only because my preamp has a standard limit of 24/96 - but everything delivered to its analog inputs is then treated to 24/192 translation out to active speakers, hence the sonic characteristics can be shaped the way I’d like it.]

Roon is a useful tool for streaming organization and finding new music, but I just started an Audirvana trial; so far I’m definitely sure that it blows Roon away re: database features (35 years’ experience in software design and programming, and I’m often surprised by programs like Roon which are so expensive relative to the level/features of the database). If Roon and Audirvana can’t be used together, I might just put Roon on the shelf (after requesting they become more Audirvana-like) for a while.

Re: the OP direction, if your DAC is to your liking, don’t spend needless $$ on something with a DAC. Many modern streamers have USB outputs (the Ifi among them) and that’s all you need; in fact, the USB outputs will allow the full range of input (currently) to your DAC (whereas everything other than I2S input will be limited to less).

Re: MQA. I currently don’t use it much (because there’s not much of it on Qobuz), but I’ve tried it with no problems - but in MQA I do prefer the "Studio" quality, and maybe critics don’t take notice of the quality levels before panning it (or maybe they reduce it all to measurements; I’m not one who tends to rely solely on numbers for sonic enjoyment). Re: those who claim there’s no need to care about bandwidth availability, I’d comment that they belong to an elite group - and for the world as a whole that’s not the case.

Re: the Node 130. I own it and stopped using it (partly because its analog output stinks unless you mod it and partly because of its lousy Windows interface (if you’re using it via wifi, then you’re subject to wifi issues/limitations) - but I haven’t yet sold it, so if you’re truly interested, you're welcome to PM me.

Back to the beginning, the Ifi streamer is one of the easiest solutions to try, and it seems as though it would fit well into your system (IIRC Ifi has a 30-day return policy); I’d suggest that you use something like Audirvana or Roon as the front end - it will make life easier. Best of luck with whatever you choose.