I am 100% digital using Roon.  I play from my extensive hard drive, Qobuz and Tidal.  I love to find new music using Roon Radio or Roon suggestions.  Here is my issue:  I generally find Qobuz to sound better on my system.  I do not have final unfold of MQA on my Tambaqui DAC; yet ROON always defaults to a Tidal version.

So I will search 'versions' and select the highest resolution of a Qobuz version.

Can Roon be set to default to Qobuz vs defaulting to a Tidal version?

Do others agree that Qobuz sounds better?


Showing 2 responses by oldschool1948

I use Roon and Innous Sense as my music front ends.  Regardless of front end, I find Qobuz better sounding than Tidal in general, but not by much.  Using a PS Audio DSD DAC, I find little difference between Qobuz HiRes and Tidal MQA. I listen to Tidal most often because I like their playlist much more than those provided by Qobuz.    

For critical music room listening, I use Sense because it’s sounds more natural than Roon.  I’ve created playlists using a combination of Qobuz, Tidal, and songs stored on my Innous Zenith.  Sonically, all of the music sounds good to me.  As is the nature of digital music, some songs clearly sound better than others.