Streaming network puzzle

I have been using a TP-Link wireless extender connected to my Innuos Zenith with good success. I recently added a PS Audio P15 power conditioner and wanted to try logging my power data for a while to see how the power quality fluctuates. This involves another network connection so I plugged a cheapo Linksys 5 port switch into the TP-Link and then plugged the P15 and Zenith into the switch.

Now the puzzle. I use the Innuos Sense app, and it connects fine, I can play Qobuz just fine, but I cannot play any online radio stations. They try and fail after a few seconds. I am a technical guy, but haven’t come up with any solutions. It is probably an Innuos thing and I can post in their forums, but thought I would pick your brains.

Added note, this is not a crisis, I can revert back to the original setup easy enough, but thought I would see if anyone had any ideas. Thanks.
