Streaming Music through my home stereo

Ok, researching this streaming music thing is giving me a headache. I really know nothing about it. Right now I have my iPad connected to my Rogue Pharaoh integrated amp via a Y jack streaming Apple Music. It works, but I'm sure there's something better.
I've been a fan of Apple Music so I hate to change, but I keep hearing about Bluesound Node 2i. Is this piece compatible with Apple Music and if not what is? Is there something out there that I can control with my iPhone?

Thanks for the help...
Yes, Apple Music is compressed, just like Spotify and Pandora. The advantage of any of those services is lower cost and sometimes greater convenience compared to higher fidelity options, considerations of the different music catalogs aside. 
Enjoy.... I have a Vault 2i and love it.   It totally changed the way I listen to music...    Enjoy !!!