streaming and audiophile stereo

I have heard it said that an audio system is only as good as its weakest link. I want to complete a system that will give me access to lots of music by Tidal and Roon, and I want the music played through some true audiophile components.  I am used to tube preamps, and will probably go that way again, though ss remains a possibility.  The speakers I intend to use are very efficient - 20 watts of amplification would be ample.  Here's my question:  in such a system, how important, and how variable, are the audio qualities of the digital source component - the streamer - at the front end?  If it does MQA does that alone mean it is the highest quality audio possible at this end of the system?  Or do some that accommodate MQA provide better sound than others that also accommodate MQA?  I see lots of reviews of features of these components, but not much about their individual sonic qualities.  Leaving aside features and convenience, are some better sounding than others and would this depend entirely on the DAC used?

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Showing 1 response by mesch

Well it seems you are interested in a very accomplished 2 channel system which may be consider at the upper end of value, not necessarily cost. 

With a 20wpc power requirement I would look int tube amplification with a high quality DAC/Streamer.  Search the many threads herein regarding streamers. I use a computer for streaming to find new music, use a transport with DAC for serious listening. I will one day get a dedicated streamer however likely not one in the budget range you may be looking for. Very good DAC/ streaming combo, either as single piece or as separates. 

Regarding tube amplification I would encourage you check out Aric Audio. Aric make several tube preamps and amplifiers. He is very accessible via net or phone. Great to talk to and  willing to advise. He also is willing to modify his products to suit individual needs. I know there are many viable manufactures however I own one of his preamps and amplifiers. Should I look to upgrade I would likely deal with him 1st.

Well, maybe not very much help for a rather lengthly response. 

Regards, Mike