Streamer Upgrade

I have a modified Bluesound Node 2i with an upgraded power supply board and Terry Pardo power supply. While I am happy with it, I have the upgrade itch! I'm curious if anyone has upgraded from a modded Bluesound Node and what your thoughts are/were? On the TP website, they claim this upgrade brings "it very close to the level of network streamers costing twice as much" which makes me curious as to how big of a jump others experienced. I'm looking at streamer only as I am not interested in units with onboard DAC's. I currently use Roon with a Mac Mini as my Core. My DAC is the Schiit Gungnir MB. 




Showing 13 responses by willg1985

Thanks again @blisshifi. Maybe one day I could get to the N30SA level. I was planning on spending about $3k on a streamer. The Lumin U2 Mini and the Auralic Aries G1.1 were the 2 that seemed the most do-able right now. 

Thanks @soix, I like the thought of that a lot but it doesn't seem that it has Spotify compatibility. I personally use Qobuz but no Spotify would be a deal breaker for the wife. Great option otherwise though. 

@jazzman7  thanks for sending this. This unit looks awesome but the wife wouldn’t be happy without Spotify connect. I love TMR too. 

@jazzman7. Yeah, that's a good call out. I guess I could still use the Node on a different source. 

@curiousjim, in all honesty its hard to say. I had the Node 2i before and bought this Node second hand already upgraded. I never got to A/B them but I will say that I am quite happy with it. I got it for a good deal considering how much just the power supply upgrade is. I read a lot about it and many claim that if you are using the on-board DAC with the Node then the upgrade is significant. I also read that it helps even if you are using it as a stand alone streamer. If it was me though and you are using the on-board DAC of the Node, then I would put the money into a new DAC vs the Teddy Pardo upgrade. I think that you would see a bigger improvement there. Something like a Denafrips Ares II would be nice. Again, I think it sounds pretty good and I think I have a decently revealing system. (Mcintosh MA6900, Schiit Gumby, JBL L100 Classic 75’s)

@mrmanisundaram I’ve definitely been intrigued by the HiFi Rose stuff. They look beautiful. My biggest hang up is that I’ll only use it for the streaming side not the D/A side. Would be cool if they come out with a streamer only version. 

Thanks @adasdad. I actually just bought a Schiit Yggdrasil that gets here tomorrow. I will still be looking to upgrade my streamer. I'm all in on streaming. I think a display would be great and that's one thing I like about Auralic. It also needs to be able to do Spotify connect for the wife. The Mac Mini doesn't do any streaming direct, all of that comes through the Node. The Node is connected via coax to my DAC. 

@ghdprentice thanks for the advice! It is close and is hard wired. That made a biggggggg difference. 

Just wanted to say that I appreciate all of the feedback on this. I ended up picking up a used Yggdrasil and am in love. Still going to do a streamer upgrade in the not too distant future but I'm really loving my system at the moment. Thanks again!



Update for anyone that cares: I ended up getting a HIFI Rose 250. I don't need the DAC as I have the Yggy but the display and deal I got, I figured I'd try it. I'm super happy that I did! This is only day one but has been a significant upgrade. One that I was unsure about months ago when I made this post but I'm super happy with how this turned out. Thank you all for your input! I appreciate you all!