Streamer only

I am not tech savvy and I have a DAC already in my integrated amp.I just wanted to try streaming. I would like to use Qobuz and need to purchase a streamer. I don’t need the dac included within the unit. I hate to pay a large amount for a unit that has a high quality DAC included. Are there any high quality streamers where I am not paying for the higher quality DAC included in the unit? My system is a Levinson 585 and Acendo C8 R speakers. 

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I have the allo DigiOne Signature Streamer with a Shanti LPS. Do you hear a big difference between the DigiOne and your high end streamer? 





I am using the SMSL SD-9 as a streamer only. It also decodes MQA and sends it to your DAC already decoded. It supports Tidal and Qobuz and has a sods card slot that you can put a 256 GB memory card. It costs 399 dollars and sounds great. I am using it to feed a Musicians Pegasus DAC connected to a Wired 4 Sound STI-500 to Magnepan LRS speakers. It sound very detailed and reveals all the finer points in the music. It also connects to the internet using wireless WiFi. 

I’m using the Cambridge MXN10 into an Audio Research Reference CD9 cd player operated as a DAC. It cost $360 and sounds incredible.