Streamer and DAC for Mcintosh MC462 and C22

Hi I have been upgrading my system.  

I have an MC462 Amp, C22 Pre and Revel 228BE speakers.

Currently I am running a node 2 into a Berkeley Alpha dac 2 for streaming.

I am going to upgrade these 2 and I am trying to decide what to buy.  

Either a 1 piece combo like a Lumin or a streamer and dac.  

My budget is 10 to 15K.

Some of the Dacs I have been looking at:

Chord TT2 and M scaler
Lumin S1 or X1
Total Dac

Streamers include:

Lumin U1or U1 mini
Moon Mind 2
Auralic G1 or G2

I would say I lean more toward analog sound.  I would like something I can listen to without fatigue.

Basically question 1 - 1 box or 2?

And what to buy ?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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