Does a after market power cable make a difference on a streamer like lumin U2 mini or U1 mini


Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice

Power cords can make a significant difference in the sound of a DAC. Regardless of the outcome is of thinking about it. The higher quality the DAC, in general, the bigger the difference. But it also depends on the rest of your system.

I have owned five high quality DACs. For each, I optimized the power cords. They made a difference. But you have to try them in your system and determine if the cost and kind of difference is worth it for you.

I have found that the power cord and interconnect from the same company and level will have the same relative effect… in tonal balance, noise reduction… etc. I have not done enough comparisons to be sure this is always true. This I found odd, and counterintuitive (but what is new), but seems true. I have extensive experience with Transparent, DHLabs, and Cardas. I have some experience with WireWorld, AudioQuest, and a few others.