Stock Power Cords?

Are all stock power cords low quality? And how would you know if its good or bad quality? For example: I have a Classe CA-100 amp, the cord looks pretty beefy.Would a typical replacement power cord in the price range of 100.00-150.00 be an upgrade?and would it make any sonic difference?

Showing 2 responses by tireguy

Get new power cords, stock ones usually stink. The power cord that came with my 20k+ pre is sort of insulting. Some members find that power cables make more improvements then any other cable upgrade, start with all of your digital gear and then do the amps-its what most every cable company recomends.
Those who are skeptic(cough-Don-cough) ask Bob_Bundus, he will tell you his experiences(who stick's out in my mind as being the biggest protagonist for PC's, he loves those little devils!) It is one of those unexplainable(to me at least) phenomena in audio, as suggested above give it a shot, the cables will speak for them selves. BTW thanks Don for telling me not to give up :) last night I took everything apart-cleaned the life out of it and relocated somethings and the rig has never sounded better.