Stillpoints - snake oil?

Anybody here using Stillpoints Ultras? My dealer thinks highly of them, but I am very suspicious.
Djones  every manufacturer includes a $2 power cord in the box to power their components. However many people have used high end after market power cords to glorious results.  So should a company then have to spend hundred or thousands of dollars to include a high end cord with their product?

The reality is most manufacturers don't want to add  additional costs to their products. Not to mention they might not want to be seen endorsing one particular brand of product. 

If for example Audio Research started putting in a $500 Shunayata power cord or an AQ or Wireworld one, how much would that add to the cost of their product? What if the end consumer already was using a more expensive power cord and didn't like the brand that came with the product, that means that nice $500 power cord wouldn't be used and the end consumer would have paid extra for a product they didn't use. 

Same things with vibration isolation devices there are a large number of companies that make these devices and some companies do use them, we used to sell Audio Aero CD players and they came with Black Diamond Racing footers. 

Try some you might like them.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
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If the manufacturer doesn't think they are needed, why do you? If the company that built my amp doesn't see a need for them I see no reason why I should second guess them. 
Thyname, you shouldn't be suspicious.  Vibration isolation devices generally work, how well they work is up to many different factors including the system's level of resolution. 

We used to sell Stillpoints we don't sell them now so we have zero skin in the game.

We were introduced to Stillpoints I don't remember how but we found them and decided to try a set of their footers, they were very good.

Stillpoints used to make . Theya space frame looking component stand that we compared to an HRS base which was $1,800.00 and the less expensive $1,000 Stillpoints product was superior.

We then got a demo of the Stillpoints rack about $12k and the difference in sound come from the amplifiers was very noticeable in fact the entire system's sound improved as much as changing a component.

The reason why vibration isolation devices work is simple all electronic devices are subject to microphonic induced distortions. 

Tubes as well as transistors will alter their performance when they are being vibrated. If you think of a transistor as a crystalline device if you vibrate it you will change the way a signal is passing through it, remove the vibration you will induce less distortion and create a cleaner signal.

You should get a demo of these devices and see for yourself. 

You should also know that there are less expensive devices such as the Isoacoustics which rival Stillpoints for a fraction of the price. We have not done a recent demo comparison of the Stillpoints vs the Isoacoustics so we are not sure which one is better we have the older stillpoints cones and the Isoacoustics do seem to rival them.. 

Start with you amp and preamp, play a piece of music you know for about 30 seconds from the beginning of the track. add one set of isolation devices replay the track, listen to what changes.

You should notice tighter bass, a more focused soundstage, greater micro dynamics. 

Then add a set under your amp listen for the same changes. 

Then add a set under your dac and transport same thing

Once you have three or four sets on your gear, listen again to a track and then remove the devices and see what changes, if you agree that the system doesn't sound anywhere as good, put them back in figure out what pieces and how many sets you need.

As long as your dealer lets you borrow a few sets of these devices you should be able to perform these tests for yourself.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

@djones51 the manufacturer did not know what the Stillpoints are.

Is it recommended they are put first under digital devices, or Analog?
Did the manufacturer of the component's you are considering placing them under think highly enough of them to incorporate them into their design or is it only your dealer who sells them that thinks this highly of them?
I did try some Ultra Minis under my TT and found a better deeper bass, however the midrange seemed to lose it’s luster. Also I felt the highs were more softened and a bit more subdued. So in my opinion they do make a difference, but didn’t solve the issues I was having. They are worth a try if you can get some on loan, in my opinion.
" a lot of people here use them and swear by them, and will simply insult you if you voice your thoughts that they dont do anything as advertised"

Let's see, are you debunking the ones that "use them and swear by them" without  trying them yourself?

Nope - Snake oil is a traditional Chinese medicament utilizing fat extracted from the Chinese water snake (Enhydris chinensis.)[1] It is a rubefacient and/or ointment, and is applied topically to relieve minor physical pain. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for many centuries, and is a relatively common medication prescribed by doctors ascribing the practice of traditional Chinese medicine.
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