Stillpoints - snake oil?

Anybody here using Stillpoints Ultras? My dealer thinks highly of them, but I am very suspicious.

Showing 4 responses by dill

" a lot of people here use them and swear by them, and will simply insult you if you voice your thoughts that they dont do anything as advertised"

Let's see, are you debunking the ones that "use them and swear by them" without  trying them yourself?

Nope - Snake oil is a traditional Chinese medicament utilizing fat extracted from the Chinese water snake (Enhydris chinensis.)[1] It is a rubefacient and/or ointment, and is applied topically to relieve minor physical pain. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for many centuries, and is a relatively common medication prescribed by doctors ascribing the practice of traditional Chinese medicine.
" If the manufacturer doesn’t think they are needed, why do you?"

The manufacturer is building a unit to a certain price point, they are not interested in experimenting in after market tweeks. That said, there are many tweeks that do change component performance. It is up to the end user to experiment and decide if it is something they want to use or not.
" Still makes no sense to me."
You are looking at it the wrong way. First, there are 100’s of aftermarket power cords available. I see no reason that high-end audio makers would waste time & money on a process that would not make them any more money. One gets a generic cord (low cost) with your purchase that will work fine for many users. YOU have the option to experiment with aftermarket cords or not, YOU decide. The manufacturer will not and should not recommenced one over the other, there is no upside for them.
I had a customer once that had the brackets with speakers just sitting on the shag carpet. I drilled and tapped two holes in each bracket, each near the ends. Then screwed in long carpet piercing spikes that where long enough so the speakers looked like they where hovering just over the top of the carpet. It really tightened up the bass and looked good too!