@georgehifi - the measurements can be useful and I’m glad that Stereophile takes the time to do them, but they don’t tell the whole story. That’s why subjective reviews exist and are generally useful.
They actually tell more than 50% of the story.
And "if" the reviewer "was truthful", the measurements "can" explain why he may say
EG: say the bass sounded a little thick and uncontrolled,
measurements may show poor damping factor (high output impedance) poor current ability.
Or the highs of an amp sound distant and recessed,
measurement could show early rolloff in the HF because of poor HF bandwidth extension even phase shift, or inability to handle low impedances creating it to become a tone control, like the bass problem above.
So many things can be read into an amps potential performance by looking at the measurements.
After all, every amp ever made was designed and made primary by using measurements and the laws of electronics, if you find one that wasn’t, then your looking at a piece of unreliable junk.
There is no "snake oil" or "voodoo" in the design of high end audio, or even low end mp3 players.
Cheers George