Stereophile's 2021 products of the year

  And wow! Schiit Audio 20w Class-A Aegir stereo poweramp made it into the A rating.
Cheers George

Showing 2 responses by papafrgog

@georgehifi - I find it very sad that most of the Stereophile basher’s here, are also too technically inept to understand the measurements.

George, I admit I don't understand how many technical measurements translate to (or create) something audible to me.  I wish I did, because about the most I can do it to compare measurements between components I'm interested in - and compare to those I own, since I know how my system sounds.

The flaw in my analysis (like someone mentioned above about a "who's who" system that didn't sound great) is it ignores any synergy between components, or in my mind, how one component's measurements can capture the best qualities of another.  I guess it's years of experience listening,  comparing measurements, and knowing (and being honest about) sound preferences in the context of budget. 

I would love some tutorial on the most important measures for primary components and how they link - e.g. impedance/loading MC cartridge to phono pre - line stage...etc.  And if stuff like that isn't really important, I need to know that too. 

I do so much reading in work, when I'm done, all I want to do is listen to music.......

 I know I'm off topic. But many aspects of this post to consider.

@millercarbon ...Watch. Pages will follow!

and they did.  

Thanks to @mesch for additional measurments/factors creating better synergy in system

My purchases are typically a process of elimination - budget, specs, appearance, and most importantly, how it sounds in my system in my room. My "dealer" is mostly "brand agnostic" and reps mid to high-end gear at many price points.  He's an engineer by education and goes to all shows and visits factories of all brands he carries, so I lean on his judgment considerably. But I really want to better understand the numbers.

For example, my current speakers Raidho TD2.2 are 88 db sensitivity, but I had a 3 week in-home demo to really check them out.  So like you say, I learned my amplifier was capable of meeting the demands of those speakers to make them shine. Same result when I changed phono cartridge to a Lyra Kleos. I was provided with Delos for a 1 month while awaiting arrival of my Kleos. SQ improvement big time, and of course measurements/specs were significantly better than the predecessor. 

Awesome system, by the way. Noted significant devotion to vibration and cable shielding.  Also note your Herron phono pre, and I'm wondering if that would be an upgrade from over my Aesthetix Rhea Esclipse.  I've heard nothing but great things across the board....but there I go again....So anyway thanks!