Step-up from Node2i for native AmazonHD streaming?

Considering the Node2i, but before pulling the trigger, looking for upgrade competitors:
  • Inputs: Wifi, BT5aptxHD, TOS/Unbalanced
  • Outputs: Unbalanced, coax SPDIF
  • Must have native AmazonHD
  • Control: apps for PC/Android, remote
What else meets these minimum requirements?
If there is no AmazonHD-capable streamer/preamp with coax in and coax out, then I'll have to get seperate components. Node2i (streamer) and seperate digital+analog preamp. What preamps have coax in (and other typical inputs including decent MM phono stage) and control the volume of coax out?
I have the STR integrated and can assure you that it doesn’t support streaming. 
@djones51 yes that is likely, and the STR.
the STR doesn't have coax out - maybe the AVR does.
@djones yes, I’ve seen the Amazon list before, and figured my best bet was Sound United group. Denon doesn’t seem to have anything (didn’t look through the AVRs), Marantz has so many models - I looked through a few categories and didn’t find anything, all the others would take forever ruling each brand out one-by-one.

I was hoping the community would know gear capabilities better than I - that might not be true. I may have to buckle-down and create a spreadsheet for this search.
Questioning the choice of Topping E30 DACs opens other options.

A matched pair of stereo DACs is required. They need DAC-only function, but could also have pre-amp features and headphone amp; however, those extra features will not be used. I haven't purchased the DACs yet.

Topping nay-sayers: A pair of E30's cost $260 (new and not on sale). I'm not opposed to buying used. What other pair of DACs would you recommend for $300/pair and where do I buy them?

All other DAC/system budget pro's... I'm not opposed to spending more, for better performance if value is still there. What is the next least expensive (even used) pair of consumer-grade (plug it in and it works) DACs that are UNDENIABLY better sounding OR measure better than E30, make/model/version, and where can they be purchased?
I haven't tried Qobuz. I was using Tidal HQ for about 6mos when A-UHD launched, and switched. I don't notice an SQ difference between the two. A-UHD plays nice with all our Echo devices, NAD (w/BluOS2i) and Denon AVR (also Echo-controlled). With the family plan, we frequently have different music playing in different parts of the house - all works without any problems. Actually, the only problem occurs when Alexa (for unknown reasons) occasionally tries to access discontinued Tidal subscription, "Can't play... on Tidal at this time, login to authorize...". I think this is a remnant from the expired subscription. Asking again usually solves the problem, and it plays from Amazon.
Have you tried Qobuz? If you do some searching you’ll find Qobuz hi res is generally preferred over Tidal. I don’t doubt that the E30’s are a great value, Topping is a brand that punches above its weight class. I was only commenting on the logic of pairing a low cost budget DAC with something along the lines of the M30.
@crn3371 I like AmazonUHD better than Tidal MQA - that's why Amazon. Topping E30's offer the features needed, and perform better than most, they are a great value, and definitely better than miniDSP 4x10HD (built-in DAC), which is the purpose of this endeavour.
Look on Amazon to see what companies they have partnered with. McIntosh makes a streamer with Amazon but it's not really a preamp. So far NAD and Bluesound have the best integration. Others have AV's that work like Marantz, Denon, Anthem. 
Like I already mentioned, I’m sure there’s something that meets your needs, but Amazon HD is going to be your Achilles Heal. Any particular reason you’re tied to Amazon? I’m sure the NAD M30 is a nice piece of kit, but using a $4k streamer to feed a $100 DAC doesn’t make a whole lot of sense either. While price certainly isn’t the final arbiter of sound quality, it does have some bearing. A system is only as good as its weakest link and I’ve always subscribed to the belief that everything in your audio chain should all be from the same general quality tier. YMMV.
Thank you for your replies. Goal is:

Streamer/pre-amp (coax-out) > miniDSP nanoDIGI (2x coax-out) > 2x Topping E30 DACs (RCA-out) > ATI multi-ch amp > LXmini speakers
The point of this is to
  1. Eliminate multiple AD/DA conversions as possible (system above has only one DA conversion
  2. Keep signal in digital domain as long as possible (for digital sources)
  3. Improve DAC SQ (currently, the final DAC is built-in on miniDSP4x10HD), which I have been told is inferior (muddy sound)

Other sources that need to input to streamer/pre are:
  • Phono with the following output capabilities: phono-level RCA, line-level RCA, USB
  • Multi-disc player: HDMI-out needs to connect to TV, coax is only remaining output
Streamer needs to provide pre-amp functions. However, it doesn't need to be only a streamer - it could be a streamer/integrated or any other configuration of integrated units... as long as it has coax out. The only streamer/integrated I can find that meets all requirements is NAD M32 w/BluOS MDC module.

However, I have to believe there are other AmazonHD-capable device that will also have coax in and out, act as pre-amp for other inputs, and control volume. I just don't know what they are.

I currently have NAD C388 with BluOS2i, and it has everything except coax output. So, I've been using its RCA out to input of miniDSP4x10HD, to ATI multi-ch amp. Although this actually sounds great, I'm looking for improvement (aren't we all), especially in the AD/DA conversions and DAC performance.
Agree with crn3371. What exactly are you trying to do? If you’re bypassing the DAC in your CDP and trying to use the DAC in a separate piece of equipment, then why do you need digital outputs from that piece of equipment? Conversely, if you’re using your CDP as intended then there’s no need to route digital output from the CDP.
Just run your CD player to one input on your preamp, integrated and the Node to another. The Node has digital out which is nice when you want to upgrade to a better DAC. The DAC in the Node is decent, no actually it’s really good for the money. If you’re thinking of bypassing the DAC in your current CD player and running into the Node, then yes you will not be able to do that. Depending on your CD player it might sound better than the Node, such as a my Cambridge 851C which I used to run my Bluesound Vault 2 into its DAC input. If you’re looking for best bang for your buck and flexibility down the road, buy a Node and a standalone DAC down the road with multiple inputs.
I’m a little confused at your input and output requirements. You have digital inputs, but also digital outputs, am I missing something?
Apparently either Amazon is being selective with the UltraHD API (who gets the right to use it), or mfg's won't pay the licencing fee, or some other API-related issue. I have a suspicion it will become more widely universal as time goes by. Sound United companies (Marantz/Denon/others), Bluesound/NAD, and many others were able to implement spontaneously on (some very old) pre-existing hardware with firmware updates, so the hold-up seems to be Amazon API rights availability.
You may have painted yourself into a corner with all your requirements. What you’re looking for is a streaming DAC, plenty of those out there but I think what’s going to severely limit you is native Amazon HD. I’ve heard this a lot regarding Amazon HD integration. I don’t know if it’s Amazons fault, or that of the manufacturer’s, but either way it ends up with Amazon HD not playing nice with most native streaming platforms. 
Starting a new thread, because I've realized Node2i doesn't have necessary coax input (for connection of CD player) - not enough inputs.
The Node 2i is a great streamer value (no real competition anywhere near its price range) particularly if you connect it to a good DAC. If you want to up the performance, there are non-destructive mods that allow you to use a higher quality SMPS from ifi or a LPS (ebay has a lot of excellent reasonably priced LPS options).

If you’re set on wifi, make sure you get it from a place with a good return policy. A lot of people don’t have issues but there are also a good number of people with issues. I had to switch over to a wired connection with my 2i after suffering wireless issues (the 2i is right next to the router and no other device in my house has similar issues).