Hi Andrew!
I find myself in a similar situation as you, however I know you have a big head start as to your analog set up.
In the past I also looked at upgrading and I looked at my speakers (Infinity RS1-B's) as the first to change. After some auditions I was convinced that it would take at least a step up to $20-$40K systems to get that last bit of satisfaction from my listening experience. As a matter of fact I want to the Philharmonic a few weeks ago and heard the NY Philharmonic play the Beethoven 5th symphony. The next day I put it on the TT and my wife an I listened........boy.........darn close!!!!!
So, Andrew, unless you are ready to drop $20-30K on new speakers...keep you "great" Dulavys.
As to your CAT amp and pre amp, I am unfamiliar with them. However, I have heard some very good comments form people who have them. I did, however, recently change my per amp and phono stage form ARC to Aesthetix (Calypso and Rhea). The change was worth it (a bit more flesh on the bones..if you know what I mean).
Now to the TT/arm/cartridge. I am unfamiliar with your TT (the Acoustic Signature Mambo) and the Transfiguration Orpheus but I have seen (and heard) the Tri-Planer. You are almost there with this set up. I would consider possibly an upgrade to a Galibrier Glavia (comments from Dan..E?) or the Raven (Unfamiliar with that also). You may also want to check out the Graham Phantom tonearm but I am not too sure the difference between the Tri arm Graham would be great. I do believe the TT's would make a difference.
I wish you good luck on this and I will be watching this thread as I also am looking to upgrade my TT/arm/cartridge!!
Rick RWD
I find myself in a similar situation as you, however I know you have a big head start as to your analog set up.
In the past I also looked at upgrading and I looked at my speakers (Infinity RS1-B's) as the first to change. After some auditions I was convinced that it would take at least a step up to $20-$40K systems to get that last bit of satisfaction from my listening experience. As a matter of fact I want to the Philharmonic a few weeks ago and heard the NY Philharmonic play the Beethoven 5th symphony. The next day I put it on the TT and my wife an I listened........boy.........darn close!!!!!
So, Andrew, unless you are ready to drop $20-30K on new speakers...keep you "great" Dulavys.
As to your CAT amp and pre amp, I am unfamiliar with them. However, I have heard some very good comments form people who have them. I did, however, recently change my per amp and phono stage form ARC to Aesthetix (Calypso and Rhea). The change was worth it (a bit more flesh on the bones..if you know what I mean).
Now to the TT/arm/cartridge. I am unfamiliar with your TT (the Acoustic Signature Mambo) and the Transfiguration Orpheus but I have seen (and heard) the Tri-Planer. You are almost there with this set up. I would consider possibly an upgrade to a Galibrier Glavia (comments from Dan..E?) or the Raven (Unfamiliar with that also). You may also want to check out the Graham Phantom tonearm but I am not too sure the difference between the Tri arm Graham would be great. I do believe the TT's would make a difference.
I wish you good luck on this and I will be watching this thread as I also am looking to upgrade my TT/arm/cartridge!!
Rick RWD