Stealth Audio Dream Petite

Hi, I'm using Stealth's Hybrid MLT. Did anyone heard the new Dream Petite speakercable? Will be upgrading the MLT -which I like A LOT- to this new type.



Showing 6 responses by jmcgrogan2

Directly from the bottom of the Dream Petite page:

Suggested retail price is $5000 for a 2 meter pair, and $2000 for each consecutive meter.

(1.5 and shorter pair of Dream Petite speaker cables is $4250)

I was chatting on-line with a Stealth dealer today about the Dream Petite. His comments somewhat dissapointed me though, since I can't really afford the full Dream either. He said:

FYI - Dream Petites are a clear upgrade to MLTs, but standard Dream simply destroys the Petites (I've had three customers, after making the A/B or upgrade, indicate that Serguei should not even bother making the Petite, since the standard outperforms it by so much).

He also mentioned that Stealth was planning to raise prices across the board by about 10-12% in two weeks.
It looks like the Dream is over for me.....

The Stealth cables have more detail than the VD line, but the VD line has more dynamic impact. I was originally impressed with VD cords/cables for their dynamic, powerful presentation. However, I find them to be too forward, and the soundstage too flat and 2-Dimensional for my tastes.
The Stealth cables/cords won't give you that gut-wrenching bass, and if you like a front row presentation you will probably prefer the VD line. I have moved on to Stealth because I do not like the immediacy of the VD line. I prefer the Stealth's more relaxed, laid back, 3-D presentation. Some may call this a mid-hall presentation. These two cable lines could not be more different from a soundstage perspective.
The Stealth has good bass, it goes deep, but is better defined or tighter than the VD. The VD's bass is more robust and therefore sounds more powerful. The Stealth has more definition throughout the audio band, IMHO. You will hear details in the high's that you will never know existed with the VD line. The Stealth presents these details in a non-fatiguing fashion though, unlike the Nordost Valhalla, which IMHO provides stunning detail, but can sound thin and harsh. Stealth seems to provide the detail of the Valhalla, while still sounding musical.

Chadeffect, to be honest, no, I haven't found anything that presents depth and width. I've also noticed that the more depth I get in a soundstage the narrower it gets, and bringing the stage more forward increases the stage width and height. I did find at one point my stage got too deep, I felt like the band was out in my driveway. I was able to move several rows forward by placing a DCCA Reference Master on my power conditioner. However, for the most part I like a deep, 3-D presentation, say around row 12.

It's all a matter of balance, you may just want to change one cord to move forward or back. It sounds like you want to move even more forward, are you using all VD cables and cords? If not, try adding some more.

FWIW, it may be hard to believe, but the Stealth cables/cords will provide more detail and air in the high's. However, if you feel that your dcS already is providing great high's with the VD, the Stealth may be too much of a good thing. I do know some who find the Stealth sonic signature 'bright'. My system is a bit on the warm side, so the more abundant detail of the Stealth is well appreciated here.

They are a major pain to fit.

I know! When I was demoing a pair of VD Revelation speaker cables a while back, the cables snapped the binding posts off of one of my JRDG monoblock amps.

I haven't heard the AP cables, but I do agree that when I demo'd the VD Revelation's their bass was stunning, the best I've heard. Unfortunately, I had problems with other areas of the VD, so I did not keep them. I've probably only heard a couple of dozen speaker cables, and none of them have it all. I don't think it is possible, not with synergy and personal tastes involved.

I would not say the Stealth bass is rolled off, more that the VD bass is 'enhanced' by it's fullness. The VD goes deep and is full, which makes it sound 'bombtastic'. The Stealth cables go deep, but are tighter and better defined, so they don't sound as powerful. The bass is there if it's SUPPOSE to be there, no artificially created bass for the bass lover's though.

I also own a pair of Jade Audio's Vermeil speaker cables. Both the Jade and the Stealth cryo-treated Hybrid MLT's have the same 3-D soundstage. The Stealth has better extension, while the Jade has that glorious golden midrange. Many times which cable sounds best will depend on the recording. One of these days I'll get around to running them in 'shotgun' formation, and hope for the best of both world's.
